May 10th, 2024 by Gary Osberg

This is a reprint from 20 years ago.

A few years back, my nine-year-old granddaughter Kaylin Marie and I went to Wadena to pick out a yellow lab puppy. I had talked it over with her parents and they had agreed that I could buy Kaylin a male pup. 

When we arrived at the breeders, there were seven puppies playing behind a short fenced in kennel.  I proceeded to lift each pup and placed the male pups outside the fence.  I told Kaylin that she could choose one of the puppies running around the yard.

She looked at me and said: “Grandpa, I want that one”, pointing to a shy puppy that was sitting at the door of the doghouse inside the fence.  I replied, “No, that one is not a male.”  She said, “But why do we have to get a male?”   I went on to explain that the females cost more and besides that was the plan that her parents had approved.  “But Grandpa” she responded, “Don’t you know that girls are smarter than boys?”   We named her Sandy.

Tomorrow is the fishing opener.  You may want to head to Otter Tail County.  There are 1,048 lakes in Otter Tail County.  More than any other county in the United States.  My son sent me this quote.

 “The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of that which is elusive,    but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope.”  Author Unknown

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