December 27th, 2013 by Gary Osberg

Good morning from Collegeville, I consider myself in recovery. I quit drinking in 1976. I am a “recovering entrepreneur”. I couldn’t work for the man, I had to be the man. Lastly, I am a “recovering jerk”. It is the last one that is the hardest to deal with. I have been known to grow […]

December 20th, 2013 by Gary Osberg

Good morning from Collegeville, Five days until Christmas. I have all of my shopping done and now I simply have to pace myself on the cookies and candy. Children love Christmas, as well they should. As with most families, some years, Christmas gifts were easy to come by and some years the budget would not […]

December 13th, 2013 by Gary Osberg

Good morning from Collegeville, Friday the 13th. This is the second “Friday, the 13th” for the year of 2013. In 2012 there were three “Friday the 13ths”. According to the Stress Management Center and Phobia Institute in Asheville, NC, an estimated 17 to 21 million people in the United States are affected by a fear […]

December 6th, 2013 by Gary Osberg

Good morning from Collegeville, BRRR! Nine below zero on the Pontiac dash board display. The in-floor heat in the cottage is a little tricky to control but other than that it is a pleasant place to spend the winter. All because my Grandma’s mother, Anne Oien, received a letter from a man named Anderson, who […]

December 4th, 2013 by Gary Osberg

Good morning from Collegeville, Friendship If one day you meet someone unique, With a spirit kindred to yours, When your hands touch in greeting, you feel you are meeting Someone you’ve met before. All in good time, you’ll be sharing good wine Ideas and observations, Exchanging notes and anecdotes, Having great conversations. No questions are […]