December 1st, 2023 by Gary Osberg

It looks like the ice on the pond is not going to be very safe for a while.  Do not go out there unless you are with a buddy and be sure to check the ice often.  When I was a wild youth in Upsala, we used to drag race our cars across the ice on Cedar Lake west of Upsala. To my knowledge, no one ever went through the ice. We got away with a lot of stupid things as kids.  One winter we made a game of standing on the hood of an old DeSoto, using it as a giant snowboard as we were towed in the ditch behind a car.  Dumb and dumber.

After a heavy snow we would party by driving into the Burtrum Hills with our old cars,  just to try and get stuck.  These were not SUVs, we had a 1954 and a 1952 Chevy. We simply packed a lot of crazy boys in the cars with snow shovels in the trunk and went for it.  My sister Kathie and one of my classmates both ended up in casts after a toboggan run down a steep hill in the Burtrum Hills.

Try to not let your young children read these Friday notes.

You may want to come to St. Joseph tonight for the annual tree lighting at the corner of College Avenue and Minnesota Street.  Also, Great River Chorale is presenting “Wintertide”, tonight at St. Mary’s Cathedral in downtown St. Cloud.  The program begins with a prelude performed by the St. Cloud String Quartet at 7:15.  Sunday’s performance is at 4pm at Bethlehem Lutheran Church om St. Cloud.  Tickets can be purchased at  or at the door.  I hope to see you there on Sunday.  I do have two pair of tickets for tonight’s performance.  Simply respond to this email and I will make sure your tickets are at the will call desk tonight. 

“It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that things are difficult.”   Seneca

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